Monday, 30 July 2012


I spent all of the last week thinking about something that was too much important for me. I sipped dozen cups of tea and coffee and earned wrinkles over my forehead.
 As I was busy in thinking, I could not give attention towards my daily task and even I could not talk to my friends & family members. Moreover, I could not take my lunch and dinner properly (obviously after taking so many cup of tea or coffee, no one feel hungry). Well leave the task and issue I was thinking for, here I want to share what I felt about the work ‘thinking’. Why people would not do their work properly when they are indulged in thinking process? And after thinking for hours, do they get solution for their problems? Might be they get the solution but I have not found it at all.
In my opinion, thinking is all about taking dozen cups of tea or coffee, biting your nails and cracking your fingers. Scholars suggest that while thinking on issue, we should have a peaceful environment or free time. But do you think peaceful environment and free time exists in our life today?
I know people have several business meetings and other meetings to think over the problems but how long they think over an issue? Thinking is all about the instant order of our mind. But being habitual, we pretend to think over the matter and spend several hours. We take several cups of tea or coffee that increases caffeine in our body. The other thing about thinking is that people have opportunity to avoid their household works and swing over the wooden chair. The more fast you swing over the chair, the greater importance is given to the issue.
What is the word ‘thinking’ about? I asked one of my friends who usually keeps thinking. 'Thinking is about analyzing the situation and option you have. It helps to take decisions'. Then he went into his study room and started thinking about something. 
I did all the suggested things; I went to a peaceful place, bit my nails, cracked my fingers, swag over the chair, took cups of coffee and discussed with my friends but could not get the solution. Finally I have chosen the same option that my mind instructed me at the time I had received the problem.

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